Morada da Prata

Country: Brazil

Fazenda Morada da Prata is located in Batatais in Alta Mogiana, a region located in the northeast of the State of São Paulo with excellent conditions for growing coffee.

Average monthly temperature is 21c degrees in the summer and 17c degrees in the winter. The total farm area is 456 hectares with 160 hectares dedicated to the production of coffee.

Coffee has been present in the family since 1872 when Henrique Dumont acquired Arindeuva Farm.  Todays the family is in the fifth generation with Arnaldo Adams Ribeiro Pinto managing the farm. Arnaldo is dedicated to ensuring the farm remains in the family for future generations and places huge importance on sustainability. One hundred percent of the of the energy comes from solar panels and 30% of the farm area is dedicated to natures reserves.

Since 2016 the farm has significant reduced the use of chemicals on the farm by using cover crops which are a natural alternative. They produce their own organic compost and plant trees that attract natural enemies of the coffee pests.

The farm grows multiple coffee varieties including Mundo Novo, Arara, Bourbon, Catuaí 99, Acauã, IPR 100, Paraiso 2, IAC 125RN and Catucaí 2SL.


Arnaldo Adams Ribeiro Pinto




800m - 1,100m

Farm Certification:

Contact us for more information on the farm, their coffee or to request a sample.

Coffee Varieties

Variety: IPR 100

Harvest: June to Sept
Processing: Natural Fermented
Cup Profile: Red and Yellow Fruits (Strawberry and Passion Fruit), Chocolate, Citric Acidity. Medium Body.

Good socio-environmental practices

Since 2016 the farm has significant reduced the use of chemicals on the farm by using cover crops which are a natural alternative. They produce their own organic compost and plant trees that attract natural enemies of the coffee pests.

Images of Morada da Prata

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